
How to Dealers should use Video to Increase Sales

As Covid-19 pushes the auto industry and the world forward digitally, video is becoming more and more important. Consumers still want to feel connected to retailers and the products, in our case cars, they’re buying. But, they want to do it from a safe distance.

What does the GM strike mean of the auto industry?

The UAW GM strike rolls on. They haven’t come to an agreement. The union wants higher wages (of course), but strike is also about the two-tiered wage system. Workers hired in 2007 or earlier make about $28 per hour. Workers hired after 2007 make $16-$19. You can see the obvious divide this would cause among workers.

While this agreement was necessary to keep plants open during the recession, we’re far from that now. The union wants to renegotiate the terms of this agreement.

Honda to Defend Cars


Many are beginning to wonder if cars are a thing of the past. The Detroit Three have all cut back their offerings on cars to push towards the SUV and truck-wanting market, despite 30 percent of the market still being claimed by sedans.

Tesla not closing stores, yet.

After announcing it would be closing the few stores it has, Tesla changed its mind. The company wants to move to an online-only sales model, but apparently they didn’t realize that the change couldn’t happen overnight. It would take several years to happen.

Ride-Sharing: Is It Really the Future of Transportation?

Ride-Sharing: Is It Really the Future of Transportation?


Don’t believe everything you see on the news folks! There is an overwhelmingly common misconception that consumers (Millennials especially) are ditching their own ride and hopping into someone else’s! This simply is not true! As Millennials age into the next phase of their life they progress into the same structure people before them always have… owning their own home AND owning a vehicle (which is most likely a crossover or SUV). 


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