
Honda to Defend Cars


Many are beginning to wonder if cars are a thing of the past. The Detroit Three have all cut back their offerings on cars to push towards the SUV and truck-wanting market, despite 30 percent of the market still being claimed by sedans.

New Sales Models Changing the Auto Industry

online auto shopping


As Millenials and Gen Z become the newest, largest consumer group, dealerships are beginning to rethink the way they do sales. These younger generations aren’t loyal to brands. They choose cars based on quality, reviews, technology and customer service. Because they do their research, it’s important to put your best price out there. Be transparent about the price and the vehicle to build trust.

Nurturing Your Customers

Nurture sales


You spend thousands of dollars a month gaining new customers, getting them in for your specials or deals. It’s working right? People are coming in. They’re buying cars. But, are you nurturing your client pool for future profit? With new car sales continuing to decline, you need to encourage people to come buy again and use your service department.


Is Tesla failing? It’s certainly in distress.

tesla fail


As the auto industry comes down off if its sales high, the first quarter is looking like it will continue on the declining trend. Everyone is feeling the effects, but one brand might be impacted more than others: Tesla. Founded in 2003, the young automaker is facing lots of problems, and some believe it may lead to the brand’s demise. While the numbers speak for themselves, the premature release of the new Model 3 is a further sign of a company in trouble. In fact, it has been released months ahead of schedule.

Autonomous Vehicles: On the Horizon? Or In Your Store Now!

Sit back and let your car drive itself.

Whether autonomous vehicles (AVs) are a good thing or bad won't be decided until public has the product. But their technology is already blowing like a Nor'easter into the dealer community, promising a blizzard of legal issues that may affect the nature of the OEM franchise. I'm concerned that the next great disruptor - the autonomous vehicle - may "jump the franchise," and decimate the distribution system that has served car buyers squarely for more th


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